August 14, 2024

What Are You Willing to Pay?

The Foundry

How often do we find ourselves saying things like:
- I don’t have enough time.
- There is not enough money.
- I have no more capacity.
- I am stretched thin.
- I am doing all I can.
- Where am I going to find the time?
- I can’t do anymore.

These statements might be true in the moment because our lives are often full and bursting at the seams. But let's explore how these statements might be limiting our growth and abundance. God's word declares that He came to give us life in its fullest, most joyful, most blessed abundance. But how many of us are actually living that abundant life?

Imagine you have your water bottle in one hand and your computer in the other. Now, if someone tries to hand you something else—a book, a pizza, a million dollars—you’d have to let go of something to accept the new item. Most of us would try to tuck the computer under our arm and grab the million bucks with the free hand! No wonder we often feel crazy and overwhelmed!  Instead of letting go and making space to receive something more, we keep trying to hold onto everything, seeking abundance in joy, peace, and contentment.

This is not how we are instructed to live biblically. John 3:16 tells us that God “gave His only Son so that whoever believes in Him may have eternal life.” Abraham was willing to sacrifice his son, and because of his willingness, God blessed his generations. The disciples gave up their jobs, careers, and families to follow Christ and witnessed miracles, learning directly from the Messiah.

We also have to be willing to ransom thoughts and behavior patterns that are no longer serving us.  Peter had to lay down his guilt and shame after denying Jesus to step back into his calling. Mary poured her valuable perfume on Jesus' feet, possibly her dowry, showing her willingness to give up her best (and likely her dreams and future she desired!) to honor Him. The servants in the parable of the talents had to risk their money to achieve growth, while the third servant, who buried his money out of fear, ended up with nothing.

The widow with the oil had to lay down her pride and ask neighbors for jars. The crippled man at the pool of Bethsaida had to lay down his past attempts and excuses to receive healing. Our future and the gifts of God are held for ransom until we are willing to lay some things down.

In my own life, I had to let go of my store to focus on coaching and The Foundry. Though it was hard and scary, especially financially, I kept reminding myself that I was letting go to receive something greater. This mindset helped me transition and eventually multipy my salary and my passion.

Even in smaller instances, like accommodating my husband's coffee maker on our kitchen counter (ask me if you want to hear the full story 😉 , I realized I could ransom my need for control for peace in our marriage. This small act of letting go brought more harmony into our home.

To be free and achieve greater things, there is a price to pay. Are you willing to pay it?

To experience true abundance and growth, we must be willing to let go of the things that no longer serve us. Whether it's physical items, fear, guilt, or control, releasing these can open us up to receive the greater blessings God has in store for us. By making room in our lives, we can live more fully and joyfully.

Reflection Questions:

Identify one area in your life where you feel stuck. What is one thing you could let go of to create movement and progress in that area?

Reflect on your spiritual journey. What beliefs or habits might be holding you back from a deeper relationship with God?

In your career, what are some tasks or responsibilities that no longer serve your growthor align with your long-term goals?

Are there any opportunities you’ve missed because you were holding onto somethingthat no longer benefits you?

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